The Project
"If you've got something you want to show us, snap a picture!" was our prompt to the people from the townships of Cape Town, some of which were taking pictures for the first time in their lives. With this request, and accompanied by a large number of used cameras in our luggage, we travelled to Cape Town in July 2009. Back in Berlin, these expressive slides have become remarkable Polaroid art.We - Marcus Vogel, Alexandra Vogel and Andreas David - have turned a part of South African life into a source for an extraordinary photo project. To achieve this we utilised various photographic techniques and combined the demands of documentation and social responsibility.
Our South African partner, Luna Design Company, manufactures picture frames out of used materials: wood components from times past are collected and recycled into picture frames of contemporary design.
The majority of the over 45 employees of the Luna Design Company live in the townships surrounding Cape Town. We have provided them with our cameras and asked them to document themes and moments out of their daily lives with snapshots.
It was our goal to create an image of the Cape Town frame manufacturers and place such within an artistic 'framework'. The results will be on display in Berlin come Spring 2010.
We invite you to be a part of the creation of this page as well as the steps to follow. Simply enter your e-mail address - we will inform you as soon as things proceed:
Project initiator, Polaroid photograph artist and contact person:
Marcus Vogel (E-Mail)
Journalistic documentation:
Alexandra Vogel (E-Mail)
Photographic documentation/portraits:
Andreas David (E-Mail | Homepage | Facebook)